Anyone doing so is to be pitied.
As FTS said -
(Proverbs 26:11) "Like a dog that returns to its vomit, The stupid one repeats his foolishness."
i could never understand why some people who know the truth about the "truth" ever go back.
once you understand all the hypocrisy and negatives, i would think it's almost impossible to go back!.
Anyone doing so is to be pitied.
As FTS said -
(Proverbs 26:11) "Like a dog that returns to its vomit, The stupid one repeats his foolishness."
i just recently stopped attending.
i keep getting messages, emails, texts and voice mails asking if i'm ok. they all say the exact same thing.
it's creepy and a bit scary.
Toshibabadu, welcome to the forum.
Steve2 nailed it - anonymous communications should be ignored and dismissed.
On the other hand, when the org's zealots come looking for you personally, have an effective "conversation stopper" ready. Otherwise, they will persist in trying to get information out of you - information which they will use to deal out "discipline" for abandoning the cult.
Simple but 100% effective - "I appreciate your concern, but there's nothing I can talk about at the moment. If things change, I'll call you. Thank you."
J.W. mentality demands that they must know "why you left the truth!" They hate loose ends, because loose ends make their "brotherhood of love" look very ragged - which it is.
not long ago, there was a funeral for a sister i haven’t know very much, so i did not attend.
however, some old “friends” i know drove down to town to assist and i ended up spending some time with them.
quite honestly, i was happy to see them again.
Being a J.W. nowadays means living a life of "walking on eggshells", because any one of your conditional friends is likely to stick a knife in your back if you cast aspersions on anything org-related.
It's become the religious equivalent of North Korea.
one of the "elephants in the room" which j.w.
's will not and cannot question or discuss, is the org's dogma that a person's own death wipes out their sins!..
when active, i asked two c.o.
One of the "elephants in the room" which J.W.'s will not and cannot question or discuss, is the org's dogma that a person's own death wipes out their sins!.
When active, I asked two C.O.'s about Romans 6:7, and both of them made it clear they did not wish to discuss it with me. Wonder why?
in the latest issue of double-speak, i'd like to highlight these two statements:.
page 3, par.
2 - " encouraging it is to know that jehovah’s faithful servants in the past felt free to express the same question that may loom in our minds, and they were not condemned for asking it!
In the latest issue of double-speak, I'd like to highlight these two statements:
Page 3, par. 2 - " encouraging it is to know that Jehovah’s faithful servants in the past felt free to express the same question that may loom in our minds, and they were not condemned for asking it!" (so now it's OK for r & f J.W.'s to "feel free" to ask questions and not be treated as "independent thinkers? Sure! See Sept. 2007 KM - Question Box)
Page 7, par. 18 "Without a doubt, therefore, each one of us needs to be willing to wait, to show a patient attitude." (Who is it exactly that regularly & repeatedly tells J.W.'s how near and how soon the great tribulation is coming? From which part of New York State does this corrupt anticipation originate? Oh right - Warwick!)
so i am in trouble for questioning the whole rats nest of deceit and lies.
in matthew 12 jesus says: whoever speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the one to come.
" the gb seems to replace 'holy spirit' with themselves.
Damascus: if anyone tries to question your "concerns" about the G.B., simply remind them what the G.B. themselves have sanctioned in the February 2017 Study Watchtower, page 26, par. 12 - "The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction."
Then ask the self-righteous interrogator, "Should we accept everything we're told is truth - without question?"
i read a fantastic quote that applies to the way the society treats those who choose to leave...:.
"when a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try and control how others see you".
just wanted to share....
In all honesty, and with genuine respect for r & f J.W.'s (especially the numerous ones I've had as good friends) the org provided us with all the "answers" with which to convince others we had "the truth", while at the same time dictating that we don't "debate" with such people. In other words, learn things which question the org's dogmas) We weren't/aren't even allowed to research & discuss the org's doctrines independently of the org as a group of J.W.'s!!!!!! (September 2007 KM - Question Box)
It's all about control - of your thinking, loyalty, obedience, and money.
Demonstrate otherwise, and see how quickly the "love of the brotherhood" toward you ceases.
i was one of many witness children, who studied this book in english literature class.. having re-read it as an adult it addressed so many issues i have with the organisation.
including maniputive control, the re-writing of history etc etc.
so many of the characters in the book, resembled characters i have known in the organisation.. boxer- loyalty without questioning.. squeler- a character who doesn't care about truth, and uses rhetoric of language to twist truth.. clover-who silently questions decisions, but stays loyal.. if your young, or old i would suggest reading this small book, by george orwell.
Every high school student should be told to read Animal Farm and then use their "independent thinking" (TM) to explain the analogies contained in the story. It's a classic!
yes, your cult has been banned in russia.
what surprises me is that this hasn't happened in more countries.
what surprises me is that civil suits in the u.s. haven't flooded the courts -- violation of civil and human rights because of the cruel act of shunning of disfellowshipped ones, even members of one's own family.. discrimination is a form of cruelty and civil and human rights define such.
As I've come to discover about the WTBTS since my "awakening," one overwhelming thought becomes evermore credible: that a multi - billion dollar corporation based in the U.S.A. could actually have powerful "influences" watching their backs. Perhaps the org is far more intertwined with the "system" than we give credit for.
The irony in Russia: the org now faces its own real judicial committee of three genuine judges at the appeal court. Schadenfreude abounds!
russia banning the organization might not have the same effect as the earlier ban did decades ago.. more and more people have access to the internet.
it only takes a few russian jws to start their google search for the first time to discover the truth about their religion.. questions might arise, such as "why is jehovah allowing this to happen?
consider too, the schism that happened when the romanian jws were cut off from brooklyn.
(Matthew 24:34) "Truly I say to you that this generation (not a future generation) will by no means pass away until all these things happen."
(Colossians 1:23) "....that good news that you heard and that was preached in all creation under heaven."
The self-proclaimed "glorious ones" living in the comfort and safety of the Warwick gulag, will continue to make the bullets for the Russian r & f to fire - and suffer.